Brook provides free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing services for nearly 250,000 young people UK-wide, each year.
BrookSexual Health Helpline
The National Sexual Health Helpline provided by Public Health England is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm.
0300 123 7123Family Planning Association
A sexual health charity, the Family Planning Association gives straightforward information and support on sexual health, sex and relationships to everyone in the UK.
020 7608 5240
Family Planning AssociationB&NES Sexual Health Improvement Service for Young People
We provide free confidential sexual health service for young people.
This service is for young people aged 13 – 24 years, and for professionals working with young people in the Bath and North East Somerset area.
Sexual HealthSTDs
STDs are common, and condoms should always be used in addition to other forms of contraception. You can have Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea without knowing it.
Sexually transmitted infections – NHSC-Card
The C-Card Scheme offers young people free condoms, sexual health and relationships advice and information.
What is C-Card? – Young and Free